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The Do It Yourself (DIY) Lender Ready Program

The Lender Ready Program has two objectives:

  1. To demystify the process of engaging with lenders – so participants understand how to position their lending proposal with lenders (in particular banks); and
  2. To provide participants with templates and materials – so participants can self-complete the structure of a business plan, financials and the lending proposition.

By doing this Program, you will be able to create a set of documents to allow you to engage directly with lenders. This will allow you to put forward a well-reasoned proposal, which stands the greatest chance of success.

This DIY Lender Ready Program recognises that some clients want to:

  • Understand what they need to do – in general terms – to get money from lenders
  • Just get access to proven templates – and ‘how to do it’ materials
  • ‘Put their toe in the water’ to find out ‘what they don’t know they don’t know’.

The DIY Lender Ready Program operates fully online with the delivery of online self-complete materials and other resource materials.

These materials are delivered three times weekly; a Module at a time; over two weeks.

As part of the Program, you get access to specific personalised engagement. You receive a 1-hour personal session (included in your purchase) with Gordon Stone, ABDI Director at any time (by contacting ABDI).

You can also get even more personalised engagement, via an extra Personal Business/Lender Readiness Mentoring option (available upon Application and extra cost).